
Showing posts from February, 2018

Are You A Gadfly?

I am in a class called Forbidden Books. In this class, we talk about the banning of books and we also get the chance to read some of them. The first book that we read was called " Fahrenheit 451 ". This was an interesting book and I was really interested in this book. This book was not banned but it was basically about the banning of books, except they said it in a way that was really cool and interesting. We had to base our project on Socrates and how he was a gadfly. A gadfly is an annoying person, especially one who provokes others into action by criticism. Sometimes a gadfly can be a bad person because they may try to convince someone into doing the wrong thing and that can be really dangerous for people. What we had to do was come up with a topic and we had the chance to work with a partner because we were going to have a conversation with another peer that could have been at school, home, or anywhere else. We had to make a script for this project because one person ...

No More Diseases

We are in a STEAM class called Disease. In this class, we are learning about the 11 body systems and how they work. For this project, we had to interview someone that we knew or someone that knew someone with a disease. I interviewed someone in my family for my project because I was able to see some of the effects the condition had on my family member it was hard to come up with questions to ask my interviewee because I had to find symptoms, and I had to try and feel the same way they felt when they had this condition. Before I started my interview I needed some research so that I would at least know what I was interviewing my person on. I had to draw a body outline for the disease I chose because I had to show an image of the body systems that this condition affects. Everyone in the class chose a different disease and they talked about how their disease affects people and how the disease also affects certain body systems. We had to figure out keywords for the disease and symptoms tha...