Are You A Gadfly?

I am in a class called Forbidden Books. In this class, we talk about the banning of books and we also get the chance to read some of them. The first book that we read was called "Fahrenheit 451". This was an interesting book and I was really interested in this book. This book was not banned but it was basically about the banning of books, except they said it in a way that was really cool and interesting. We had to base our project on Socrates and how he was a gadfly. A gadfly is an annoying person, especially one who provokes others into action by criticism. Sometimes a gadfly can be a bad person because they may try to convince someone into doing the wrong thing and that can be really dangerous for people. What we had to do was come up with a topic and we had the chance to work with a partner because we were going to have a conversation with another peer that could have been at school, home, or anywhere else. We had to make a script for this project because one person was going to be the gadfly and the other person was the one that had to become convinced by the gadfly. I decided to work with CM because I felt like we would work well together, and we did! She is a great partner because she didn't have me do all the work and I didn't have her do all the work. We were able to work together and get this project done. Sharon had to proofread our script because we wanted to make sure that we were doing the work correctly so that we could get a good grade when this AP is due. We had to take a video of us performing our script because that is the main part of our AP. Below I will have the script and the video for this project. I hope you enjoy it, and maybe learned something new from this video!

DSC_0007 from KRM on Vimeo.

Topic: What makes a true friend?
Character 1 - (Socrates) Claire
Character 2 - (Meletus) Khaliya

CM: Hello Khaliya, how are you today?

KM: Hey, Claire! I’m good, how are you? OMG, let me tell you how much of a good person my best friend is!! He did this amazing thing for me today! 

CM: What did he do? Why do you believe that you are true friends?

KM: He gave me a $500 gift card to Akira because he knows how much I love to shop for clothes. And he knows that Akira is my favorite clothing store.

CM: Is that why you love him so much? Because he gave you something? Something that he knows that you like? That just seems like he is trying to please you with material things.

KM: Because that's what friends do for other friends. Since he knew that I love Akira and love Akira clothing he decided to get me a gift card with money on it so that I don’t have to spend all of my money. I can't believe you don’t think we are true friends.

CM: I don’t doubt that you are true friends. You seem to really enjoy each other's company, I just wonder if this Is this really what you think friends do for each other? Just give each other things so they can think they are true friends?

KM: Of course this is what I think friends do for each other. Friends make each other happy. It doesn't matter how they do it, as long as you are happy with each other, you are true friends. What do you know about friends anyway?

CM: I know little about being a true friend. This is just what I think. A true friend doesn't just give. What does he do besides give you gifts and money? Do you and your friend spend a lot of time together?

KM: Well, you know my best friend and I do spend time together, but not that much. I would like it if we were able to spend more time together. We are together whenever we can be, so, therefore, we are there for each other.

CM: So, you think that if you spend time together, you are there for each other? Why do you think that spending lots of time together means you are there for each other? I would like to think that being there for each means more than a physical presence. Being there for each other is being there when the other is in need.

KM: Well, we never talk about that kind of stuff. We always hang out when we are happy, we never want to talk about our true feelings. In fact, I can think of a few times when I needed to talk to somebody and he seemed uncomfortable. Maybe because we never talk about our true feelings.

CM: This is what I mean. You may really enjoy each other’s company, and you might give each other material things, but if you don't talk about your feelings, he will never be there for you. It’s not his fault. You both don’t talk to each other about real issues, so neither of you know when each other is in need. Does that sound like true friendship to you?

KM: Man, I guess you’re right. I have never thought of our relationship in this way before. We never talk about the things that matter. I now think a true friend is someone who cares and someone you can talk to when you need someone. Maybe we are true friends!

In conclusion, this AP was very fun and I enjoyed making this video with CM. I put in a lot of time for this project because this is the first AP for this class and I wanted to make sure that I got a good grade on this. We made sure that we asked Sharon to proofread our script because we didn't any mistakes or errors in our project because we wanted to make sure that our project was correct and on point. I enjoyed learning about Socrates and how being a gadfly can be a good or bad thing depending on what they are trying to convince the other person. This project was very helpful and I enjoyed Unit 1 of Forbidden Books and I hope that Unit 2 gives me more information. I want to thank Sharon for providing this information and I can't wait to learn new things in the next unit!


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