Helping In 3D

In RPG, we made it to the 3D section of this class. I have learned how to use a 3D printer and I also learned about the different websites you have to use so that your object can be made. For this project, we had to make a design that could out the school. We also had to work with partners. I feel like my design is very helpful because it allows things to stay in place and not everywhere in the class room. This design took a long time to make but it was worth it because it came out looking great. I feel that the 3D printers should be used more in the world because they actually make life easier. All you have to do is upload whatever design you want into a network and BAM, you have a design that can help you or someone else. Adam helped everyone in the class and I feel like we all are thankful for Adam's help in the class. This is the last AP of his class and I feel like Adam's class helped me learn a lot. I never knew that 3D printers existed until I came to GCE and then I learned how to use them thanks to Adam. This class has been very fun and I enjoyed everything about it. THANKS ADAM!!! And I hope that you guys learn something from my slideshow!

In conclusion, I feel like I have learned so much in RPG class. Coming in as a new student at GCE has been very difficult but I feel like I am starting to get the gist of this school. I enjoy the fact that this school is hands on. I feel like I have learned so much while working with the 3D printer. I hope that I pass this AP with a 90 or above because I put in so much work and I feel like I deserve a good grade. I made sure that I followed the rubric and I also used the sample AP as a tool for my slide show. I added my pictures to my slides because it makes everything look better. I hope you enjoyed my project on 3D printing and you never know, you may use a 3D printer one day for a good purpose and you may become famous off of your design. Thank you Adam for the knowledge you gave me and I hope that I get to learn more about machines like these.


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