Opposites Attract!!

In my STEAM class, Urban Planning, we finished our second unit, Power, and we learned a lot about circuits and eco friendly home appliances. For this unit, we went to the Museum of Science and Industry to watch the Tesla coil be set off. That was a really cool experience because I wasn't expecting for the coil to be that loud. We have been studying circuits and how to make them. We learned about the different symbols that are used for circuits when you draw them out. For this AP, we were paired up with another person in our class and that made the process of this project better because there was a lot of work that had to be done for this AP. The format for this AP, was slideshow format. In our slideshow, you will see the circuit that we created, the eco friendly home appliances that each resistor is representing, calculations, and more. We had to talk about how this AP connected with SDG 7 and why we chose it. You will learn about the circuit that we designed and the home appliances that we were representing. I hope you enjoy and learn something new!

In conclusion this AP was very interesting. The part that I struggled with the most was making sure that we had the right units for the calculations and having enough parts for our circuits. I was able to accomplish these challenges with my partner because we made sure that we asked for help from our teacher and we also went back to look at previous assignments so that we could understand the work that we needed do for this AP. Overall, I enjoyed working with my partner and I am glad that we were able to work together without any problems. I hope that you were able to learn something new from my AP and I can't wait to see what the last unit of my junior year has for. Thank you!


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