Banning Of Lord Of The Flies

In Forbidden Books, we have been studying the banning of books and why certain books have been banned in certain places around the world. We visited an author, Natalie Moore, and we talked to her about the banning of her book and we asked questions about how she felt about that. It was very interesting listening to how she felt about her book being banned. Sharon taught us why certain books have been banned. Some books have been banned because of religious reasons, political reasons, and diversity reasons. We visited a mosque for the religious reasons on why books are banned because we wanted to know about the banning of books. For this AP, we had to write an 800-1300 word paper about the banning of the book we read in class. The book that I chose to read was Lord Of The Flies by William Golding. Sharon taught us how to make a thesis statement and told us what to use and what not to use in our papers. This was very helpful because I had to make sure that I was following all of the rule...