Can You Sleep Peacefully?

In Disease, we are working with different disorders that people have. This unit was very fun because I was able to learn new things about different disorders that people have to go through. This is my second AP in this class and I feel that I did better on this project than my first one because I made sure that I was using the rubric properly. We used the DSM 5 to help with this project because it helped us look for symptoms of our disorder. We watched simulations of different disorders and they gave me different viewpoints on everything. When we were watching these videos, I was thinking to myself, just saying that everyone is the same. People with disorders are NOT weird. They are unique. I was also able to realize what it was like to be a person that was the caregiver of the person with the disorder. We have not gone on any FE's in this class yet, but we have learned a lot in these past two units. For this project, we had to show a simulation of our disorder. Some people did a visual in front of the class because they wanted for the class to know what it felt like to have their disorder. We had to create a lesson plan so that we knew exactly what we wanted to do. We created a flyer for our project because we wanted to be able to give as much information on our flyers as we could because we wanted to make it seem like we were giving information to people without giving an explanation on what our disorder really is. We also had to take video so that you could feel like you were apart of the class and receive the same information that the class received. It was hard to find a help in the DSM 5 because it didn't give me enough information on what I needed for this project.

What Disorder Did I Choose?
The disorder I chose is called Night Terror. Night terror is when feelings of great fear experienced on suddenly waking in the night. When I thought about it, I gave myself the definition of panicking in your sleep and it causes you to scream and have trouble sleeping at night.

The DSM 5 gave information about my disorder. I read "In the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), one common parasomnia, non-REM (NREM) sleep arousal disorder, is described as being characterized by either somnambulism (ie, sleepwalking) or sleep terror." I was not able to find 3 criteria for this disorder but I did find other information online that helped me know more about Night Terror.

Experts Quote
Here is a quote from an expert talking about Night Terror and how it affects both children and adults. "These events usually last only a few minutes but can go on as long as half an hour or so and may be very upsetting to any witnesses. Usually the child or adult will just fall back asleep, but if awakened, will appear confused and disoriented. Rarely, an adult will actually leave the bed and run away. At this point, the sleep terror has turned into an episode of sleepwalking. This is dangerous as violent behaviors can occur if efforts are made to stop the person from leaving. Injury can also occur if the person falls or trips over objects in the environment. Adults may on occasion recall fragmentary dream imagery from the experience; most often, however, both children and adults have no memory of the event and no other daytime effects, unless the injury has occurred." This quote was said by
John Cline Ph.D. He is a licensed psychologist, a fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and a diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine.

How The Brain Is Involved
Think of night terrors as a slight glitch in the way the brain is supposed to act during sleep. Normal sleep means that all regions of the brain are “asleep.” Sleep disturbed by night terrors means that there is irregular brain activity going on most of the brain is “asleep,” but the small part that controls movement, voice, and expression actually remains awake. This is why children experiencing night terrors yell, cry, and move around, yet remain fast asleep and are nearly impossible to wake up. This irregular brain activity is what provokes a night terror, though it’s unknown why, exactly, it happens. It affects the delta brain waves. The delta waves are the stage where you are in your last stage of sleep and you are in deep sleep.

Here is an image of the flyer I made. On my flyer, I gave two myths that are said about my disorder. The first one is,"Night (sleep) Terror happens in short phrases that tend to clear up quickly." The second myth is, "Night Terrors and nightmares are the same."
I stated true facts about these myths because the information that is not true can be dangerous when it comes to disorders and diseases. The first fact is that "If not stopped, night terrors can last for over a year or even until adulthood." The second fact is, "Night Terrors are different than nightmares, and can include crying, screaming, or sleepwalking."

I included an image of a girl in her bed screaming due to Night terror. At the bottom of that picture is what Night Terror messes within the brain. It messes with delta waves and it occurs in the last stage of sleep.

I put down some of the symptoms that you may notice for someone who has Night Terror. They may have partially or fully awakened from sleep very suddenly. They may have screaming or thrashing. Sweat may occur with someone with Night Terror. They may have high blood pressure, rapid breathing, or wide open eyes with dilated pupils. These are symptoms for someone who may have Night Terror.

I also made an extra space for more helpful information. If you would like to learn more information about this disorder you can visit or call the number (312.587.3765)

Lesson Plan and Graph

Here is my lesson plan. This is where I am showing what I will be doing in my video that you will be watching and how long it will take to do the activity that needs to be done. On the right said of the chart you will see the brain waves that the brain is in while I was doing this activity. I could not have everyone go into their delta waves because that would mean that they were in deep sleep and I did not have enough time for that. The waves that were used during this process were:
Alpha Waves. These waves help you meditate or relax
Beta Waves. These waves help you carry out activities like actively thinking, listen/talking, and being engaged.
Gamma Waves. These waves help you process information such as learning or problem-solving.

Here is an image of my graph and piecewise function. I did this graph based on the information from my lesson plan. As you can see I made this graph showing the ten minutes at the bottom and the brainwaves on the side. Iy was kind of difficult putting the numbers in the right place because I wanted to make sure that I was getting all of my work done and I wanted to make sure that my work was correct so that I could have the right data for my piecewise function.

Here is an image of my shown work for my piecewise function. The first step that I had to do was make sure I got the right points that were on the line. After I did that, I had to do rise over run, which helps find the slope. After I found the slope, I had to use the equation y-y1=m(x-x1). After putting in the numbers according to the points and slope, I was able to solve my equation and have the right answers for my function. I used a calculator to double check my work because sometimes I make tiny mistakes and it can throw my entire problem off. This was very fun to do because I enjoy math and I also learned how to solve an equation on how to find a piecewise function.

In conclusion, I enjoyed working on this AP. Being able to know about different diseases and disorders taught me so much. I learned new things about the piecewise function and how to solve it. I learned about different disorders that I never knew about and I also had fun with this AP which is probably the most important. I put in a lot of time and effort into this AP because I wanted to make sure that I received a 90 or above on this AP. I enjoyed the way Aaron taught us in this unit because it was very fun and I was able to learn new things. I hope that our last unit is very fun and I hope that we are able to do more hands-on activities. Thank you for looking at my blog post and I hope that you were able to learn something new from the information that I was able to share with you.


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