Banning Of Lord Of The Flies

In Forbidden Books, we have been studying the banning of books and why certain books have been banned in certain places around the world. We visited an author, Natalie Moore, and we talked to her about the banning of her book and we asked questions about how she felt about that. It was very interesting listening to how she felt about her book being banned. Sharon taught us why certain books have been banned. Some books have been banned because of religious reasons, political reasons, and diversity reasons. We visited a mosque for the religious reasons on why books are banned because we wanted to know about the banning of books. For this AP, we had to write an 800-1300 word paper about the banning of the book we read in class. The book that I chose to read was Lord Of The Flies by William Golding. Sharon taught us how to make a thesis statement and told us what to use and what not to use in our papers. This was very helpful because I had to make sure that I was following all of the rules so that I can get a good grade on this paper. I had to use my time wisely for this paper because we were using the week to create our paper. I made sure that I shared my paper with Sharon so that I could receive feedback and that was very helpful. This is the last AP for this term and I hope that you enjoy reading my paper. Down below you will see the banning of Lord Of The Flies and my opinion on the banning of books.

Banning Of Lord Of The Flies
          Ever been stuck on an island with no adult, wifi, food, or life necessities? In Lord Of The Flies, these boys had to survive without life’s necessities. The theme in this story is the conflict between the human impulse towards savagery and rules of civilization which were designed to contain and minimize it, according to Gradesaver. The setting of the book takes place on a deserted island, where a plane crashed that was holding British boys. Lord Of The Flies is about a group of young boys that survived a plane crash and ended up on a deserted island. All of the boys came together to decide on a leader because they needed someone to tell them when and what to do, so they chose the oldest boy there who is on twelve, Ralph. Ralph tries his hardest to make sure all of the boys are helping one another and working together but over a short period of time the boys start to get bored with Ralph’s rules and they started to do what they wanted to do. Since Jack did not like Ralph, he decided to form his own group of boys that like to hunt, and they start to hunt for pigs because the island that they landed own has pigs all over it. Once Jack formed this group of “hunters”, they started to hunt even more and it became easier for them, they started to paint their faces, they created weapons, and they decided to come up with new hunting strategies. Later, Jack made it where he had most of the boys that were with Ralph come to his group. Ralph was left with Piggy and Simon, both of these boys were older than most of the boys on the island. Piggy and Simon were considered “good boys” in the book because they did not go savage like the rest of the boys in Jack’s group. Towards the end of the book, Simon was killed by Jack’s group of boys because they mistook him as a “monster”. Piggy also ended up dying on the island, but his death was intentional. After all of this happened, a boy named Roger, who was a close follower of Jack’s group, rolls a boulder and he crushed Piggy. Finally, the book ends with Ralph running away from Jack and his followers and finds a British naval ship officer. Once Ralph found this officer all of the boys came to a beach as well and they all started to cry and the officer had them on their way back home. This book is controversial because it talks about children acting like savages, while others think it talks about slavery. It talks about how some of the boys killed other boys on the island for “survival”. Lord of the Flies should not be banned just because some people think it should be.

          A lot of schools wanted this book banned for various reasons. One group that banned this book was at Toronto Board Of Education in 1988. They said that the book was “racist and recommend that it be removed from all sites”(Werts). In the book, the boys painted their face and were acting like complete fools on the island. Toronto Board Of Education probably felt like this was racist because of the stereotype that some people give Indians and other darker toned people. Some people think that savages are dark people that paint their faces, run in the wild, and act like complete fools. They also thought that it was racist because the boys were white, and they felt like they were making fun of the stereotype that people have for people of color. The Toronto Board of Education wanted the book banned for diversity reasons. Another group that wanted this book banned was Owen High School in North Carolina in 1981. They said that they felt like the book was “demoralizing inasmuch as it implies man is little more than an animal”. They felt like the book was showing savagery in a way because the boys were running around and hunting for food like an animal would do in the wild.

          The Lord Of The Flies has material that many people find offensive or problematic. In the book, it says, “[Jack] tried to convey the compulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up. I went on. I thought, by myself—The madness came into his eyes again. I thought I might kill" (Golding 51). This quote talks about one of the boys wanting to kill another because of the fight that was happening with the protagonist and the antagonist. This was a problem because children should not be killing other children. it was not safe for the children to read this book because they might get the idea that it is okay to kill people in general. Another quote from the book that people found a problem with is, “He capered toward Bill, and the mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness. The face of red and white and black swung through the air and jogged toward Bill. Bill started up laughing; then suddenly he fell silent and blundered away through the bushes” (Golding 64). This quote is about the face painting that Jack’s group did to show that they were a different group and to show that they had no respect for Ralph. This quote goes back to the stereotypes that some people give people of darker skin, mostly black and Indian, about them acting like savages and running around in the wild acting like fools. So for some people, they found this book racist which was a problem.

          While a lot of people feel like this book should be banned, Lord of the Flies should not be banned. This book is very interesting, and it also gives people a life lesson. For example, an example would be children need adults so that they don’t go crazy and try to attempt life without help. This is a life lesson because some people do not know how to work together and in the book, two of the characters ended up dead. In reality, children who don’t want to listen to their parents or cooperate in class, tend to get hurt or end up in trouble. This shows that people should listen, in general, so that they can stay safe or out of trouble. Another reason why this book should not be banned is that it is very interesting. There were parts of the book that was enjoyable and some that were mysterious, but overall Golding did a really good job on this book. The last reason why this book should not be banned is that William Golding wrote this book in 1954. No one would like it if a book that was written by them would be banned from certain places in the world. Golding’s book was banned for reasons that were serious but not as bad as what they think it was. Golding never had any quotes about his book being banned because he died in 1993. A quote that he did say was “The writer probably knows what he meant when he wrote a book, but he should immediately forget what he meant when he's written it.” While reading this quote, it went back to the banning of his book because he knew what he meant while he was writing the book but he should forget what the meaning of the book was because of other people's ideas.

         In conclusion, Lord Of The Flies was banned because of violent reasons and racist imagery that is shown in the book. The banning of books has existed throughout history because of different reason. Some of the reasons had to do with the disrespect of religions. Books about things that are not good in religions and making them sound good in the book can be the reason why a book is banned. Another reason why a book can be banned may have to deal with violence. Some books contain violent scenes in them and most adults and school would not like for their children or students to read these type of books because of the images that may appear in their heads, same thing with sexual content in books. Books should not be banned because they contain knowledge that people need to know and they also give a new mindset on how things should be viewed in the world. These are reasons why books should not be banned.

Emperor Deathsaur. (2014) Lord Of The Flies Island. WEB: Wikimedia

Work Cited 

Golding, William. “Lord of the Flies Themes.” GradeSaver: Getting You the Grade,

Newth, Mette. “The Long History Of Censorship.” The Long History of Censorship,

Werts, Ryan. “Lord of the Flies .” CMLIT 130 Banned Books,

In conclusion, this was an interesting term and I enjoyed learning new things in Sharon's class. I feel like I put in the time and the work for this AP. I made sure that I was following along with the rubric because that would really help with the paper and my grade. I hope that I receive a 90 or above on this paper because I put in a lot of work and I also enjoyed making this paper. I would like to thank Sharon for teaching me this term and I hope that next term will be better than this term. I really hope that you enjoyed this paper and I hope that I was able to teach you something new with this blog post. Thank you for taking out the time to read my paper and I hope that you received new information and that you enjoyed my paper about the banning of books. 


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