Help Out Your Community!

This is my last AP in my humanities class called A Nation's Argument. In this class we have been learning about thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. For this AP, we decided to hold a police assembly in our class with four guest. Some of our guest had deaths in their families and the reason why they do what they do with their community is because of the death that happened. My role for this assembly was to be the MC. In the beginning, I had everyone introduce themselves and then we went into an icebreaker to get to know our guest better. There were 4 prompts that were used for this activity because we wanted to make sure that we still had time to actually talk about things that we have been discussing in class and still had questions on. the 4 prompts were:
  1. How do you view Chicago for the development of the youth?
  2. What inspired you to attend this forum?
  3. What do you hope the next mayor does for Chicago?
  4. How are you going to use your talents to benefit the people around you?
I gave everyone three minutes to answer these questions so that they could understand other people. After the ice breaker, we got straight into the first topic of our conversation which was "Policing In Schools". The conversation started to go into deeper meanings and that brought emotion to the class because there were people that were able to relate to what we were talking about for this assembly.

For my format, I decided to make a slideshow and talk about why some organizations need to be accessible to everyone and not just people with money. I chose this as my topic because organizations were brought up during the conversation because some of our guest where the president of an organization that is in the world for people so that they can have help and make connections. I talked about how I am in organizations that have to be paid for because my mother wants the best for me. The organizations that I am apart of give children resources and connections to have in life because you never know what is coming for you in the future. I feel that I can help out people by giving them helpful information that I am able to receive. Down below, you will see the slideshow that I created for this AP. Hope you enjoy! 

In conclusion, this was a great term and I enjoyed learning about the past and why the government is made the way it is. This class has helped me because I learned a lot of new things that I either didn't know or had the wrong information about a topic. I hope that you were able to learn something from all of my posts from this term and I can't wait to see what comes next. Thank you! 


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