The Journey To Freedom

For these last few weeks of this term in stories, we have been talking about heroes and the cycles they have to go through to get to their destination. Heroes have to have certain character traits about them, that makes a huge part of them. On this action project, we had to compare two heroes, one real hero and a hero that has been made up (a movie hero). We worked on this project for this entire week and that really helped me because I knew that I wasn't going to have time to work on it after school, due to dance. The rubric that Sharon gave us really helped because I was lost on certain things and I didn't want to fail this AP. I titled my project "The Journey To Freedom". My two characters deal with freedom and how they also helped others receive freedom as well. In my AP, you will see who my characters are, and the different stages that heroes had to go through just to reach their goals.
For this AP, I chose Harriet Tubman and Caesar the ape. These two characters both deal with freedom and a fight that they both had to go through to reach their goal. Harriet Tubman has been through a lot of pain and she is known to be an American abolitionist. Caesar the ape made it where he was to free all of the apes and go to war because he felt that the humans should not take advantage of them and use them as slaves. They are connected to each other because both have had a rough past and wanted to have a new future. They fought for themselves and for others, and they both wanted better lives.



"Harriet Tubman." Google Search. Google, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2017.

"Harriet Tubman." A&E Networks Television, 02 Aug. 2017. Web. 28 Oct. 2017.

"Harriet Tubman Images." Google Search. Google, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2017.

"Caesar The Ape." Google Search. Google, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2017.


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