The Lion and The Wolf

In stories, we have been talking about fables and how all fables teach lessons. We talked about the characters that are usually in fables. They are mostly animals that can talk because people don't want for children to feel bad. We had time to work on our projects during class and I took advantage of that time because I knew that I was going to need the time due to my active sports. Sharon helped us a lot with our projects. We created a fable in class and it helped me understand what I had to do for my project. My story takes place in the jungle/ wild and I hope you enjoy my story!

Once upon a time, there was a large lion named Queen. She was very nice and she loved taking care of the other animals in the jungle. Queen was always there for her fellow animal friends, she would make sure the elephants are never in trouble by guarding them when they want water from the lake so that the alligators leave them alone. She makes sure the zebras are able to run when they feel like it and she makes sure that there isn’t a cheetah trying to eat them. On top of that, she makes sure that it is okay for the “predators” to eat the dead animals. She would ask the family of that dead animal if it is okay for another animal to eat their family member. One day, a wolf named Wolfy came into Queen’s territory. Wolfy thought that Queen wanted to eat him because she was big, a lion, and had sharp teeth. She walked up to him royal like and she asked “ Hello there. May I ask your name?”. Wolfy told her his name although he was very scared. Queen started to tell wolfy how she isn’t the average lion and that she takes care of the animals here in the jungle. Wolfy started to feel more comfortable with Queen and the jungle and he made a couple of friends. But, he came to the jungle with a problem.

Wolfy loved using people, especially when they have power over something. So one day, Wolfy went to the alligators part of the wild, and he started to swim around in their territory. When Wolfy first came to Queen's territory she specifically told him that the alligators do not like it when others swim in their area. The only thing that the other animals could do was drink from their water. Crocky the alligator told wolfy to get out of his water because it was for alligators only. Wolfy knew this but he still did what he wanted to do. Crocky kept asking Wolfy to get out of the water but he wouldn't leave. Crocky asked again, still no response. After Crocky asked him for the second time, he decided to bite him. Wolfy finally decided to get out of the water. When Queen had the meeting, Wolfy came limping. She quickly ran to him and asked was he okay. Wolfy cried "The alligators bit me on the leg!". 

Queen was furious with Crocky, she told him that he had to leave the wild because he decided to bite Wolfy. Crocky tried his hardest to explain himself but Queen wouldn't let him. As crocky was leaving to go to another part of the wild that Queen didn't own, Wolfy looked at Crocky and gave him an evil smile because Wolfy was up to no good. At that exact moment, Wolfy knew what his plan was. 

His next plan was too upset the giraffes in their home that is apart od Queen's territory. So Wolfy went to the giraffe area and he began to ruin their quietness. He began to howl very load so that they could start running around and ruining their part of the wild. One giraffe stepped on his tail due to the running. Once the next meeting came around, Wolfy was limping and his tail was dragging. Queen ran to him as she did the last time and asked him what was wrong. He told her that the giraffes were playing tag and they stepped on his tail after he told them that he was walking through their area so that he could go home. Queen was furious with the giraffes, so she went to their part of the wild, told them to leave due to the damage they caused someone else, and once again Wolfy did his evil smile. 

During the next meeting, Queen stated that there will be a visitor coming to visit all of the animals in the wild. Wolfy didn't know that this visitor was going to be related to Queen. When the visitor came, she decided to go to the water where the alligators were, and drink some water. Wolfy started to sneak behind her and he pushed her into the water. But what Wolfy didn't know was that Queen saw the whole thing. So as the Queen she was, she walked up to Wolfy and roared as loud as she could so that Wolfy got scared. She was furious with Wolfy. At that moment Queen told the alligators to come back and the giraffes. 

During the next meeting, Queen told all the animals that she apologized for putting out the alligators and the giraffes. She told the animals that she was putting Wolfy out because he was starting trouble and she did not appreciate it. Queen didn't know that Wolfy was up to no good but now she will start to watch animals when they are new to Queen's territory. She had Wolfy apologize and go on about his day. She told him that he was no longer allowed to her territory because she will not put up with his garbage. She walked him out, turned around, and walked back to her jungle like a Queen.

Never take advantage of someone because of their title or name at a certain place

Image result for images of wolves


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