Can You Truss Your Bridge?

This is the last term of my junior year in my STEAM class called "Urban Planning". We have been focusing on bridges during the first unit of Urban Planning called "Load". We looked at different types of bridges and we studied why some bridges are more stable than others. We also learned about the forces that act upon bridges and the different types of energy that is created. For this AP, we had to build a bridge with our partners out of toothpicks and we tested them with weights in the OC. This was a very fun process and I enjoyed watching how my classmates had different ideas for the same type of bridge. My partner and I put a lot of work into building our bridge and I am happy that we were able to work with each other without any problems. I hope you enjoy my project, Thank You!

For the process, everyone received 60 popsicles sticks and Elmer's glue. We had to make the bridges so that they can hold up to 10 pounds. Our bridge was able to hold up to 105 pounds which is really cool! Here is a picture of our bridge holding up weights. At first, my partner and I were confused on how we wanted to design our bridge 
Hiu, Bridge (2019) 

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities. More than half of the world's population now live in urban areas. It also involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in a way that is both participatory and inclusive.

Bridges relate to SDG 11 because it has to deal with making the world better. Bridges help with public transportation especially when there is a body of water separating streets. With the bridge that my partner and I made, SDG 11 connects with it because we are learning about the different ways to help out our communites.

In conclusion, this AP was so fun and I enjoyed working with my partner. I hope that you enjoyed my AP and I hope that you were able to learn something new about bridges and SDG 11. 


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