In Rapid Prototyping, we have been talking about how to use a CNC Machine.  It has been really fun learning how to work with electronics and going to mHub to see the different types of machines.  We learned how CNC Machines work and how to use them.  They aren't that hard, and that was what surprised me the most because I never used one before and I thought that it was going to be difficult. When we went to mHub we walked around and saw the different types of machines they have and what they use to make them work.  I will admit, I was tired of walking around but I do feel that the experience was a good thing to learn.  For our AP, we had to make a slideshow and we had to compare a piece of art to the CNC version of the art piece.


In Conclusion, this project was very interesting and I thought that the CNC Machine was a very cool piece of machinery and I enjoyed working with it.


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