Breast Reduction Surgery

This is my first AP for Cure. In cure, we have been learning about the body but focusing more on the cell, how it works, what it looks like, and how there are different types of cells. We have done experiments in class so that we could look at cells under a microscope. We swabbed different areas in the school to see if they had any bacteria on it and we put them into containers that show us the bacteria so that we can see them. It was pretty cool but gross at the same time. Some of them had fungus inside of them and it shocked me because I did not know that fungus would grow inside of the container. We learned how to use a microscope, how they work, and how many different types of microscopes there are. We were looking at different viruses that were put on slides so that we could put them underneath a microscope. It was interesting looking at these viruses because they were so different and I did not know that they were different colors. We looked at the cells of a piece of celery, my partner's saliva, and much more. While working in this lab, I saw different things under the microscope and I thought that it was really cool. We saw how some of the cells were moving underneath the microscope. I was confused at first because I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. But then my partner took a look and said that they were moving. For this project, we were assigned to choose any type of surgery and do research on it. The surgery that I chose is a type of plastic surgery. I chose Breast Reduction Surgery. In my project, I will show you what Breast Reduction is and how it can change the body. I will be talking about the body systems, the organs that this surgery effect, the specific cell, and much more. I hope that you learn new things after you finish my slideshow. Please Enjoy!

In conclusion, this AP was very interesting and I learned a lot of new things while working on this project. I made sure that I was completing my work in class because I did not want to work on this project at the last minute and end up doing everything wrong. I made sure that I followed the rubric that was assigned to this project and I believe that this project is A worthy. I would like to thank Aaron for the prep worksheet because it made the slideshow much easier and I would also like to thank him for the feedback I was able to fix my project before submitting it in. I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your day to look at my project and I hope you learned new information from my project. Thank You!


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