Oh Obesity!
This is my last AP for the class and sophomore year! I am so proud of the work that I have completed in this class and I am really thankful for all of the work that I have received in this class because this class has helped me notice what I want to become when I get older. I would like to thank Aaron for giving me so much helpful information this year and I would like to thank him for teaching me this year. For this AP, we had to create a profile for a patient that is worried about having a disorder or disease because someone in their family had it. My role in this project was to be a doctor and give advice and help to my patient so that I can make sure that the disorder or disease that she is talking about; she doesn't get it. I had to put their information down so that we could learn about their medical history and what type of medicines we should give them and what not to give them so that we aren't messing up their body in any way. Another thing that I had to do was give my patient a lifestyle plan so that she can make sure that she isn't receiving the disorder or disability that she is worried about having. I had to tell her what type of foods to eat and what type of drinks to drink so that she isn't ruining her body. I had to complete a risk assessment for the disorder/ disease that she is talking about and I had to give her a plan so that she could continue to do the right things so that she doesn't ruin her body. Down below you will see my Patient Profile and I hope you enjoy my work!
In conclusion, I enjoyed this course. I am sad to say that my sophomore year has come to an end but I would like to thank Aaron and the rest of my teachers for this school year and I can't wait to see what junior year is going to be like. Thank you for taking the time out of your days to read all of my AP's and I hope that next year I can share more information with you guys. Thank You!
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