Can You Rhetorically Dance

In Rhetoric, we are on our last AP. For this AP, we had to create a piece of art that for all of the things we learned in Rhetoric. For the piece of art, I chose to dance. I chose the dance as my version of art because I am a dancer and I can dance and be able to tell a story with out saying anything. My candidate was Willie Wilson. It was kind of hard to dance to something for Willie Wilson because the way he presents himself is not in a musical way, so I chose to dance to a song that I performed at an open mike that Chance The Rapper hosts on a Monday every month because he is helping another mayoral candidate and I wanted to show that he also cares about the youth. The mayoral candidate that Chance endorsed is Amara Enyia. Chance has recently endorsed her online, and this is really important to me because Chance is closer to younger people, teenagers, and this will help Amara on the long end because the more people get to know her from Chance, the more people she have who will vote for her. Since Willie Wilson isn't helpful with the type of art that I chose to do, it was very hard to for the type of art that I wanted to present.
The purpose of this project is to invite people to my classes people's assembly that will be held on January 22, 2018. And I hope that everyone's mayoral candidate will show up to our assembly. (Chance is in the pink pants, watch his reactions!)

I chose this video because it really shows how much Chance cares for teenagers and how he is trying to be a great role model for my generation. I know that Amara cares for the youth a lot and knowing that Chance The Rapper endorsed her makes me feel happy because that means that my voice matters to her. As for Willie Wilson, I feel like the youths voice doesn’t really matter to him. In the video, I danced to a song at an event that Chance hosts on one Monday every month. He calls it “Open Mike”. This was my first time attending an open mic and I was very nervous when my name was called out of hundreds of people that signed up to dance. As a fan of Chance, I was so excited to be able to show my talent to him and to other people. I choreographed this dance piece with my friend. The song that I danced to is called “Station” by Lapsley. In the song, some the lyrics are “Stamping your ground and the rules that shaped us”. This relates to both of the mayoral candidates because they are both trying to come and create new rules as mayors and they both come from different backgrounds. This is important to me because I feel like the way someone was made based off of their history has a huge impact on who they are as a person now and why they are trying to become the new mayor for Chicago. I also feel like they are both trying to change things so that it can be better for people and themselves.

Another lyric that is closer to the end of the song is “Talk about our own frustrations”. This is really important because it makes me think about the two candidates trying to fix what they are frustrated with in the city of Chicago. I feel like some people do have the same frustrations as these two candidates but I feel like the real question is “Does it really bother me and does this really have a huge impact on me as a person living in Chicago?”. And if it does then, that would make that citizen decide if they want to vote for Amara or Willie. It also depends on the age group that you are dealing with. Amara is much younger than Willie, so Amara may have a better chance than Willie because she is more up to date with what is really going on in the world. Since she is younger than she might have a better chance for winning then Willie because she will also the youth on her side. It does matter what we think as citizens of Chicago and I feel like she cares about what we think. I feel like if we as the youth were to talk to Willie, he would probably blow us off and forget about us, and just focus and what he cares about.  Since Amara will listen to our frustrations then she will have more votes going for her then what Willie will have for him.


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