Rhetorical Slideshow

In Rhetoric, we are on our second Action Project. For this project, I had to select a mayoral candidate. I chose Willie Wilson. The reason I chose him was because I didn't know anything about him at first. For this project I had to use either pathos, logos, or ethos and explain why it relates to a quote that he said in his video. I created a slide show that tells you who Wilson is as a person and how he feels about wanting to become the mayor for Chicago. I decided to create a short slide show because I wanted to talk about Willie but in a short way. This project is going to help with the peoples assembly that we are having because we, as students, are trying to understand our mayoral candidates more and ask them questions on how they feel about certain things that we care about as Juniors that are in Chicago. Down below you will see the slide show that i prepared and I hope that you enjoy and learn new things about Willie Wilson. 


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