The Check Bike
In Design and Engineering, we have been working on our last AP for this term. For this project, we had to get a character that Adam assigned us and we had to design a new bike. We had three different people come in who work with bike companies and they talked to us about the type of bike they have, problems they have with it and reasons why they like the bikes. This was a partner project and my partner and I worked great together. We both did work and we made sure that everything was needed and all of the right information was on the right slides. Each group of partners got a person, and we had to design a certain bike for our character. We had to take a bike and add more things to it so that it could fit our person perfectly. When we were creating our bike, I decided that we should 3D print our model so that it could look better than a bike made out of straws and wooden popsicle sticks. Adam helped us with the 3D printer and I was able to finish the project. We created a slide show and it shows all of our work and data that we got together from our persona and the bike we designed.
This is Christine. Christine is a 13 year old girl that has a 3 mile bike ride to school. Her way to school includes hills as it dips under streets so that she can skip all of the traffic. Christine wanted a bike that was comfortable to sit on, a bike that she can take any where no matter the weather is, and she wants to be able to see what is going on behind her while riding her bike. She also has to store her bike 5 steps below ground, so she wanted a bike that isn't heavy at all. So my partner and I decided to create the Check Bike for Christine.
Slide Show
In conclusion, I enjoyed Design and Engineering with Adam. This was a very interesting class and I learned so much during this first term with his class. I would like to thank him for answering all of the questions that I always asked and I hope that I continue to succeed in his class as the year goes by.
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Adam , Persona (2018) |
Slide Show
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