College Is The Way To Success!!

In Argument, we have been focusing on what an argument really is and why an argument can be a great thing for certain subjects. For this AP, we had to make an argument about a class that GCE should have at the school. We learned about inductive and deductive reasonings and how those have to deal with arguments. I changed the subject that I wanted to do for this project because I wanted to have a class that everyone should want to take because I know that a lot of students want to attend college and perferably the college of their choice. Now that we have different people in the government some people have to work harder for things than others. Down below is an argument that I made for a class that I feel should be taught at GCE because everyone deserves to be successful in life. 

GCE Lab School is totally different from a regular high school. In GCE, we as students learn about different things that you can do as careers. Careers make a huge impact on people’s lives. Everyone wants a career in their life because everyone wants to be successful. GCE sets up their students for success. The teachers here are very supportive and they make sure that they are helping you in every way possible. The idea that you have, give it to the teacher, and they will help you learn about what you want to learn. GCE prepares students for what is out in the real world.

GCE wants for each and every student to leave that school with the knowledge of something that they might want to pursue in life. They want for each student to leave with something that they will always thank the school for. Every school is suppose to set their students up with success. When people graduate from high school, a majority of high schoolers wants to go to college and have a successful life after they graduate from college, and some people might want to continue to go to college for what they want to do as their career. As a student, I want to be able to graduate from high school and go to a college that will help me become what I want to become in life. But how can I go the college of my choice without ACT and SAT scores? GCE needs to invest in a class that has the same amount of time as a core course because we would need time as students to process the work that we are trying to learn. GCE would need to think about what teacher would help the students when it comes to this course because this course can determine the way your life goes.

Unalienable rights are rights that a person has no matter what happens to them in life. Every person deserves to be happy, live a great life, and be able to control themselves and not be controlled by anyone else. I want to be able to be happy with myself and with life. When I finish college I will feel happy with myself and I would be even more happy with the career that I chose for myself. Colleges look at your grades and they are interested in things that you do outside of school because they want to see what type of person you are. But they also need an ACT or SAT score. Some colleges do not require test scores which would probably be easier for people who do not want to take these test but most colleges require your score. Not only am I trying to make myself happy, but I want to make other people happy who are important to me and I want to be a great example for my younger sister and to people that might admire the way that I am.

GQ: What would your life be like 10 years from now?

Induction: Every college that is existing right now has students attending these colleges.
Deduction: According to the year 2017, there are over 49.5 million students enrolled in colleges.

A historical revolution that happened with the ACT/SAT would be in the late 1800’s. Back then, if a student had great grades then they didn’t have to take a test to get into college. They also used an "admission by certificate" which is a “high school would be certified by inspectors from the colleges to have an appropriately preparatory curriculum for college work, and students graduated from such a high school would be considered to be adequate without testing.” According to Other students had to take a test called the “MIT”.

From this class being taught at GCE, the students will feel more comfortable with the test when it is time for them to take these test. Another outcome from this class would be that people wouldn’t have to pay for ACT/SAT prep when the school can have it as a free class because some people may not have the money for ACT/SAT prep. It would also be helpful for students who want to take practice test first before taking the actual test so that they can see what they need to work on during the class so that when it is time to take the actual test, they can get into the school that they want too. 

Here is a resource list that will help with this class:
  1. ACT/SAT books that we can all study from and use as a class
  2. The T-room because it is very cozy and I find it a great place for studying
  3. Someone who can just teach about the test and give tips on how to prepare
  4. Have the class accessible to all students if they are interested
  5. Bring in people from c0lleges to talk about their schools to see if people are interested
  6. Have practice test in the class so that students can see what they need to work on
In conclusion, GCE wants for each student to go out in the real world and become leaders to people. College is the first stage of freedom when it comes to being a teenager because your parents are not there to tell you what you can and can not do. So if this class is available at GCE, people can save money, get out of their parents house, and actually become very successful. This would be great for students who are starting high school because they can have an early start. It would also help seniors so that they aren't trying to get accepted into schools at the last moment. GCE is a good school and it would be even better if this class was available for everyone.


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