Is This Test Fair?

In my Humanities course called "A Nation's Argument", we have been learning about immigration and what immigrants have to go through just to become a US citizen. We visited the city hall and we listened to the city council committee and what they think about public charge. Something that we learned about immigrants wanting citizenship is that they have to take a test about the history of America and important days or facts about America. In class, we had our own citizenship test and no one passed the test with a 100%. When I was reading the questions off for another classmate to answer, I didn't know some of the answers to the questions myself and I am a US citizen. So I can understand how hard it is for other people to study these questions because if it doesn't connect to you or your family or something that you care for, then why should you have to know some of the questions that have to deal geography or in the 1800's? For this AP, we have to think of ways on how we would change the law to make it better and easier for people to gain their citizenship and why we feel like there should be a change to this test. If I was to change something I would not have this test existing. There should be things that

These questions should NOT be on the US Naturalization Exam because this information does not really matter to the average person. This test is made with questions that majority of the US citizens now don't know at all. If people want to become a citizen then they should not have to take a test based off of America's history because they aren't from America. Yes, it is important to know the things on the test but it is not fair that people who want to become a US citizen have to put in more work then a born US citizen. 
The questions on the test are important questions because they have to deal with America, big events that happened, people that made an impact, and symbols. There is a section in this exam and it is the "1800's" section. I feel like this section should be taken out because it doesn't have anything to do with people who are just trying to have a better life. The way that this test is set up looks like it was made for people to fail. The "1800's" section is one of the main portions of the test that seems like its the main section that a lot of people get wrong because they don't know the answer, and it doesn't have anything to do with them specifically. 
The test should have questions on there asking who is the president, which it does, because these things are important. If you want to move to a new country you should know who is in control of everything because the president can have a huge impact on your life, especially for people who are trying to become US citizens. Now, Trump is the president of the United States, and he wants for immigrants to be deported back to where they came from. I feel like that has an impact on the exam as well because he could put questions on there that people should not know the answer too just so that they can get it wrong and not be able to have citizenship. But another thing that I don't understand is, why is there a test if Trump doesn't want for certain people who are not "American" to be deported? Would the test be considered a set up? 
Why is it that the people that want this citizenship are not wanted in America due to the president but where they come from needs help? Most immigrants that come to America illegally, came because they are afraid of something that is/was going to effect them.
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best... They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people." ~ Donald Trump... the president of the United States of America said this about Mexicans, yet, they still want to come to America for a better life. Wouldn't Trump make it worst. I wouldn't want to be apart of a country and the president of that country is saying racist/ rude things about my race. 
The US Naturalization Exam is not fair and it should not exist. Trump should help other countries because people want to come to America for a batter life when Trump can help their country. If he doesn't want to help them, then he shouldn't have anything to say because if they are coming here for help and a new start, let them stay. 

In conclusion, this was an interesting AP and I enjoyed working on this project. Hopefully you were able something about "A Nations Argument" and what we do in this class. 


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