Kind Katherine

In Drama, we have been focusing on a play called The Taming Of Shrew that was written by Shakespeare. This play takes place in a patriarchal world, this means that men control everything that women do in this type of society. In this play, there are two women that are sisters, Katerine and Bianca. All of the men in the story want to marry Bianca because they think that her older sister, Katherine, is a shrew. A shrew is a bad-tempered or aggressive woman. The men in this story don't like Katherine because they do not like the fact that she speaks her mind and she does not want to listen to any of the men. Katherine's father, Baptista, tels the men that none of them can marry Bianca until Katherine gets married first. Sooner or later, a man named Petruchio was told by two men that Katherine was an angel and that she is a beautiful woman. Petruchio goes for the set up that these two men tell him and he wants to marry Katherine. Later on, in the play, Petruchio and Katherine get married and Katherine becomes a good wife that listens and obeys Petruchio. For our sonnet, we had to use four of our vocabulary words that we got from the play and we had to use one line from the play. The way I did my sonnet was in ABAB format and my words rhyme. I had to make sure that I was addressing someone in my poem because I am taking the role of Katherine in my sonnet. Down below you will see a video of me reading my poem and you will see the text version of my sonnet.

Feeling like no one is there, all alone.
My sister is the one everyone loves.
Wanting my own say, father knows I’m grown.
Only if father felt I was a dove.

“To make a stale of me amongst these mates?”

You even did this on our wedding day.
Making me feel like I was just fresh bait
Making me feel like I was on display

Being called a wench, wow that really hurts
You never cared, you thought you were funny 
Kicking me around like I am some dirt
Petruchio, was it just for money?

Sis plays the lute, and I eat the junkets
Feeling amiss, acting like your puppet

In conclusion, this AP was fun and I enjoyed working on my project. Writing the poem was pretty easy to me because I enjoy writing poetry, but the hardest part was making sure each stanza was 10 syllables. I was able to put a lot of work into my project and I feel like I deserve an A because of the time and work that I put into my AP. I made sure Sharon went over my poem for help because I wanted to make sure that I had everything in the poem and I wanted to make sure I followed the rubric correctly. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my poem and watch my video and I hope you enjoyed my project.


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