This year, I am in a class called Design and Engineering. In this class we have been focusing on garden tools, empathy, sympathy, and apathy. We had to interview a gardener and ask them questions about tools that they use and how they would want for the tool to be improved in any way. We have visited Home Depot, Beyond Design, and we also planted plants outside of the school. For this AP, we had to choose a tool that was helpful to the world, and we had to make a better design so that it can be more useful and helpful for elderly people. When we went to Home Depot, I chose the pressure washer as my tool. I saw that there are different types of pressure washers and they all have different prices. The smaller the pressure washer, it is less money. The bigger the pressure washer is, it is more money. I also noticed that all pressure washers are used to clean different things. The smaller the pressure washer is, it has less power with the water which allows the machine to clean windows and cars. The bigger the pressure washer is, it has more power and can clean things like side walks, bricks, and the sides of houses. When I had to design a different version of the pressure washer, I did have some struggles. I had to think about what people are going through and how I can make this tool more useful but comfortable at at the same time. I created a slide show and in my slide show, you will see my design of a new pressure washer, how it works, where it goes, and why I decided to create it the way I did. I hope you enjoy my AP and learn something new.

In conclusion, this was a fun AP. I enjoyed going on all of the FE's that we went on for this class and I can't wait for our next FE's. This was a partner project, but I ended up doing the entire project by myself. It did take a lot of time but I made sure that it was done and I asked for help when I needed the help. I hope you enjoyed my project and enjoyed my new design. 


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