Can You Rhetorically Dance
In Rhetoric, we are on our last AP. For this AP, we had to create a piece of art that for all of the things we learned in Rhetoric. For the piece of art, I chose to dance. I chose the dance as my version of art because I am a dancer and I can dance and be able to tell a story with out saying anything. My candidate was Willie Wilson. It was kind of hard to dance to something for Willie Wilson because the way he presents himself is not in a musical way, so I chose to dance to a song that I performed at an open mike that Chance The Rapper hosts on a Monday every month because he is helping another mayoral candidate and I wanted to show that he also cares about the youth. The mayoral candidate that Chance endorsed is Amara Enyia. Chance has recently endorsed her online, and this is really important to me because Chance is closer to younger people, teenagers, and this will help Amara on the long end because the more people get to know her from Chance, the more people she have who will vote ...