
Showing posts from October, 2018

Can You Rhetorically Dance

In Rhetoric, we are on our last AP. For this AP, we had to create a piece of art that for all of the things we learned in Rhetoric. For the piece of art, I chose to dance. I chose the dance as my version of art because I am a dancer and I can dance and be able to tell a story with out saying anything. My candidate was Willie Wilson. It was kind of hard to dance to something for Willie Wilson because the way he presents himself is not in a musical way, so I chose to dance to a song that I performed at an open mike that Chance The Rapper hosts on a Monday every month because he is helping another mayoral candidate and I wanted to show that he also cares about the youth. The mayoral candidate that Chance endorsed is Amara Enyia. Chance has recently endorsed her online, and this is really important to me because Chance is closer to younger people, teenagers, and this will help Amara on the long end because the more people get to know her from Chance, the more people she have who will vote ...

The Check Bike

In Design and Engineering, we have been working on our last AP for this term. For this project, we had to get a character that Adam assigned us and we had to design a new bike. We had three different people come in who work with bike companies and they talked to us about the type of bike they have, problems they have with it and reasons why they like the bikes. This was a partner project and my partner and I worked great together. We both did work and we made sure that everything was needed and all of the right information was on the right slides. Each group of partners got a person, and we had to design a certain bike for our character. We had to take a bike and add more things to it so that it could fit our person perfectly. When we were creating our bike, I decided that we should 3D print our model so that it could look better than a bike made out of straws and wooden popsicle sticks. Adam helped us with the 3D printer and I was able to finish the project. We created a slide show an...

Pascal's Triangle

In my workshop, Prove It or Lose It, we have been working on what combinations are and what the Pascals's Triangle is. We have been working on finding different ways to go from point A to point B. We learned about the equation on how to tell if the triangle equals each other.  A combination is something that deals with letters or numbers, and you can find a different ways to mix the letters or numbers, so that each letter/ number ends up in a different place each time. For example, if we use the word CAT. I can make 6 different words from this 3 letter word. I figured this out because I used a math term called Factorials. Factorials are when you take a number and put an exclaimation mark next to it. That basically means that you are taking this numer and multiplying it by each number that is smaller than this number. For example, 9!= 9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1. This is what factorials and combinations looks like.  This is an example of using a three letter word and using factorial...

Rhetorical Slideshow

In Rhetoric, we are on our second Action Project. For this project, I had to select a mayoral candidate. I chose Willie Wilson. The reason I chose him was because I didn't know anything about him at first. For this project I had to use either pathos, logos, or ethos and explain why it relates to a quote that he said in his video. I created a slide show that tells you who Wilson is as a person and how he feels about wanting to become the mayor for Chicago. I decided to create a short slide show because I wanted to talk about Willie but in a short way. This project is going to help with the peoples assembly that we are having because we, as students, are trying to understand our mayoral candidates more and ask them questions on how they feel about certain things that we care about as Juniors that are in Chicago. Down below you will see the slide show that i prepared and I hope that you enjoy and learn new things about Willie Wilson. 

Is Your Speech Rhetorical?

In Rhetoric, we have been talking about why people don't like rhetoric and what rhetoric really is. For this class, we have visited Marqueete Park and talked to Alia Bilal. We also had two people come in to talk to us. We had Troy LaRaviere and Ted Miin. For this AP, we had to create a speech about a question that really bothered us. We had to use logos (logic), ethos (trust), and pathos (love) in our speech because we want for our audience to feel what we are feeling. I chose a topic that means a lot to me because it has to do with my ethnicity of people. In my audio, I tried to show that I was demanding but I was very sick when I made this audio so it may not sound like I was trying to be demanding and show the emotion behind the words that were coming out of my mouth. But I do hope that you enjoy my speech about police brutality.