Is Your Speech Rhetorical?

In Rhetoric, we have been talking about why people don't like rhetoric and what rhetoric really is. For this class, we have visited Marqueete Park and talked to Alia Bilal. We also had two people come in to talk to us. We had Troy LaRaviere and Ted Miin. For this AP, we had to create a speech about a question that really bothered us. We had to use logos (logic), ethos (trust), and pathos (love) in our speech because we want for our audience to feel what we are feeling. I chose a topic that means a lot to me because it has to do with my ethnicity of people. In my audio, I tried to show that I was demanding but I was very sick when I made this audio so it may not sound like I was trying to be demanding and show the emotion behind the words that were coming out of my mouth. But I do hope that you enjoy my speech about police brutality.


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