Do You Got The Moves?

In my elective class called "Game Changers",we have been working on creating our own game. We went to stores for materials that we will need for our game. We went with the idea that I made up for the game because Aaron thought that it was a great idea. The game consists of learning how to dance and memorizing dance moves. While I was designing this game I was thinking about it becoming a party game or a family game because you can have fun and you will have to interact with other people for this game. The age range for this game would be 7-adult because I test played this game with younger children and the people who played were 5-adults. I saw that the 5 and 6 year olds were not understanding what to do and the 7- up were able to remember the steps easily and didn't need help with the dance choreography that was given to them. This game was very fun to make and I enjoyed creating a game that I thought would be fun for people to play because a lot of people enjoy dancing and I felt like this game needed to exist. Down below you will see the rules to the game, pictures of what our game used to look like before the final product, and an instructional video that will help people know all of the dance moves in case the pictures on the cards aren't clear.





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