Pinhole Capturing!

In my STEAM class called Light, Sound, and Time. In this class, we have been watching videos on the three of these things relate in one way. We learned about how things get there color and how the eye perceives color in different ways. We learned about light waves and sound waves. Light waves are transversal. Sound waves are longitudinal. We have been looking at cameras and how they are able to take pictures. For this AP, we designed a pinhole camera. We had to bring in an oatmeal can or a box for the body of the camera. We had to bring in soda cans for the covering of the hole that is cut into the body of the camera. After the aluminum was in the box or oatmeal can, we stuck a hole in the middle of the aluminum piece with a pin because that is where the light is going to get through. We had to paint the inside of the body of the camera black and cover up all spaces where light could get into the camera because if there was some form of light in the body then the camera would not be able to capture the picture. Making this camera was very fun and it is something that I would like to show to someone else. We went to Latin for an FE because they let us use their black room so that we could actually use our cameras. Our picture was based on objects that we chose to take pictures of. I chose an eos lip balm because it is a small object. I thought that if my object was too big, the camera wouldn't have been able to capture the picture because of how small the pinhole camera is. I enjoyed my first unit of Light, Sound, and Time, and I hope you enjoy my project.

KRM , Measurements (2019)
In conclusion, this AP was fun and I enjoyed working on creating a camera using things that you can use on an everyday bases.


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