Dear Toi Hutchinson

In my Humanities class called "Policy", we have been talking a lot about the US Constitution and all of the important people or groups that help with the government. For this AP we had to write a letter to someone that represents us in some type of way and we had to give them our opinion on if we agree if a certain bill should or shouldn't be passed so that she can or can't become laws. I chose a senator of my state. Her name is Toi Hutchinson. I chose her because she is actually a friend of my moms and I thought that it would be cool if she read how I felt about something and if it should have an impact or not.
Toi Hutchinson is a senator for the state of Illinois. She is a Democrat and represents the 40th district and assumed office January 5, 2009. Hutchinson was appointed to take over Senator Debbie Halvorson's seat. She serves in the Agriculture and Conservation committee, Labor committee, Local Government committee, State Government and Veteran Affairs (V.C) committee, and Transportation committee. The committee that I will be looking at is the Labor committee. Down below you will see my letter to my Senator Toi Hutchinson. Enjoy!

Dear Senator Hutchinson,

I love the fact that you are actually a close friend with my mom. That makes me feel like what I want to talk to you about would matter to you. I noticed there you are able to sign on bills to turn them into laws. I was looking through some bills and I came across one that I feel like you should sign. The bill that caught my attention was "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act". This act states that, "If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws." I feel like this bill should be passed and should become a law because it has to deal with living people being under "danger" due to the decisions that their parents made. I find it unfair that a child has to deal with any type of abuse just because their parents didn't want them.

Imagine being physically, mentally, and verbally abused just because your parents don't want you. It's even harder when your parents don't want you, and no one should have to deal with this type of treatment. A quote that stood out to me was, “Don't let someone who did you wrong make you think there's something wrong with you. Don't devalue yourself because they didn't value you." This quote stood out to me because it made me think about how people can pretend to be happy on the outside when they are really hurting on the inside. No one deserves to be put down, especially by the person that gave them life or created them. Parents are suppose to help their children and uplift them so that the child can have a better life than what their parents had.

This bill makes me realize how lucky I am to have a mom that cares about me and my other siblings. She is always trying to make sure that I have whatever I need and she puts me in extra things so that I am able to make connections and start to learn who I am. Some people might say that this shouldn't be a law because everyone is different and not everyone has the same mindset as others. But I feel like there is always another way for something. If these parents tried to abort their child and didn't succeed at that, then she should give their child up for adoption. Even though they may not have parents, I feel like it would be better for a child to be safe in a group home then with an abusive parent. But you also have to be careful for the people who are in charge of these group homes because if the adults are abusing these children that don't have parents then that is not going to make the situation better. Their should be a service that goes and checks on these group homes to make sure that they are safe so that other children can come and hopefully have the opportunity to be adopted by people that actually care for them.

You have beautiful children, and I am happy that you care for them the way a mother should. Don't you think every child should be as happy as your children? If you do, then you should sign this bill so that it can become a law. Thank you for letting me give you my point and my opinion on what I think and I hope that this can become a law in Illinois.


In conclusion, I enjoyed writing this letter to a senator, and I am happy that I am able to have a mother that does care about me and my siblings. At first I was nervous about this AP because I missed two days of class, but Brent helped me with what I was suppose to do and that helped a lot. I hope that you agree with what I wrote and I can't wait to see what is next. Thank You!


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