Revenge Can Be Interesting!

In my humanities class, Policy, we finished our second unit, Executive. We have been learning more about the Supreme Court and the different wars that took place that dealt with America. An FE that we went to during this unit was a murder trial at the Criminal Court House. This FE was very eye opening to me because I want to become a lawyer, mostly a prosecutor. It was amazing watching the prosecutor ask questions that all dealt with each other but she asked them in ways that she knew that the witness would know the answer too because the defendant would try to object but the judge would let the witness answer the questions only if she had any knowledge about it, which she did. It was so inspirational but it made me think about how the prosector worded her questions because it made it easier for me to understand what was going on and she asked them in a way where the witness had to explain everything that was going on when he crime went down. For this AP, everyone had to choose a war and writes an essay on if they felt like the war was just or unjust. At first, I was nervous about this essay because I never knew information about the different types of wars that there were but I am happy that Brent didn't get mad when I was asking questions because I really wanted to know information that most people knew already. Down below you will see my essay on WWII Germany vs. America. I hope you enjoy!

I have never been into the different wars in the world, but Germany in World War 2 was very eye catching for me. Germany WWII took place on September 1, 1939 because the Germans decided to invade Poland, which is rude. Two days later, France and the UK declared war on Germany. I wonder if Poland tried to work something out with Germany due to their invasion because if they did and Germany didn’t listen then I feel like France and the UK did the right thing. It’s crazy because 51 years later, Poland and Germany become allies and partners. Nazi Leader, Adolf Hitler, decided to invade Germany because he thought of it as a “defensive action”. The invasion was also referred to as a “defensive war”. Defensive means “used or intended to defend or protect”, but what or who was Hitler defending? Hitler’s main goal was to help out the German government in “fighting marxism”. Marxism is based off two people named Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, after they died their followers decided to make Marx and Engels a practice of communism.

In 1939, Franklin D. Roosevelt was president at the time. During this war, he gave the dual policy, which is a policy that addresses a situation that deals with two policies that insure the same risk. Roosevelt gave this policy because Great Britain was under attack and the US had to help so that they could have safety. Roosevelt also gave financial support to China, United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. FDR led the US to victory in WW2 over Nazi Germany, which means that the president of the US was apart of WWII. The congress passed an amendment in 1947 because Roosevelt served more than two terms due to WW2. But how did America get involved with WW2? The United States was not apart of any war until they were bombed by the Japanese. I feel like the US had a right to go to war because they weren’t involved with anything until they were being messed with. There are always two ways to handle a problem. You can ignore or you can have revenge, and honestly… revenge was the best option. It is crazy how someone can do nothing but there are always people who want to destroy what they have. Hitler declared war on the US even though the US was neutral during the wars that were going on.

KRM, Grenade Bomb (2019)

The legislative branch is one out of two groups that makes up the congress. They declared war with Germany and that is why FDR received an extra term as president because he was apart of WW2 with Germany. Citizens in the US are important due to this war because some lost family members that were in the military at Pearl Harbor because of the Japanese. I feel like the citizens were fine with this war happening because they probably wanted to for their to be revenge because the bombing caused a lot of deaths and trauma in the US. Pearl Harbor was destroyed and needed to be built up again, but FDR didn’t help the US with insurance because he was helping other countries that needed it more. To me, it sounds like FDR was helping America because he was teaching them how to be strong. The dual policy that FDR gave to other countries was legal because in case something was lost there is always a “back up plan”. Even though the US was bombed, she is stronger than other countries.

The dual policy was a great thing that FDR did for other countries but there were some consequences. Some consequences were that America needed help after the Great Depression because people lost their jobs and FDR helped give people money in America when he was only going to help other countries out. He took money from people who made large amounts of money and gave it to people who didn’t have anything because it was a major event that made America fall at a certain point in time. I feel like Roosevelt did the right thing because he actually cared for people who really needed help during the Great Depression. Instead if him just helping out other countries he took care of the people that he is serving. Another consequence of the dual policy was that FDR did made this policy behind everyones back because he knew that if he told people that worked for the government and for him, it would have taken a long time for there to be a change and some people might have voted no which would make the process even more longer because the policy would have to go through the same process over and over again. I feel like FDR made the right decision with this policy and not asking other people to help him because America would not be the same because people were having such a hard time.

In conclusion, FDR and WW2 with Germany was just. This war was just because it was a form of revenge. The Japanese killed people and Hitler had a lot to do with people dying. At first, America was neutral until they were being messed with. This goes to a lesson that everyone person learns. If someone does you wrong you can either ignore and have revenge and revenge was the best answer. This also made America stronger because FDR helped out other countries that really needed more attention. If something happened to you or people that you care about and it had a negative impact on your life, would you ignore or would you want for something to be done about it?

Overall, I have enjoyed unit 2 of policy. Brent has helped me gain more knowledge about the wars that America had a play in. I was very nervous for this essay because I thought that I was going to be confused and not be able to find the right information, but I am thankful that Brent gave us extra time in class to work on this project. I learned a lot about WWII Germany vs. America and all of the people and groups that took a place in this war. I hope that you were able to learn something from my AP and I can't wait to see what unit 3 has for me. Thank You!


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